virtual memory library for Arduino

This example shows the size and amount of memory pages of an allocator can be configured.

* Example showing how the internal memory pages of an allocator can be configured.
* These allocator properties describe the size and amount of memory pages are used. Since they
* are stored in regular RAM, configuring allocator properties can be useful to limit the RAM
* used by virtmem. On the other hand, if you have RAM to spare, increasing the size and/or amount
* of memory pages can speed up virtmem. Increasing the number of pages typically improves
* random access speeds, while increasing the size of memory pages typically reduces the amount
* of swapping needed. For more information refer to the documentation on DefaultAllocProperties.
* This example uses the SD allocator, however, any other allocator could be configured in a similar
* way.
* Requirements:
* - the SdFat library should be installed (
* - an FAT formatted SD card
* - a connection to the SD card via SPI
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <virtmem.h>
#include <SdFat.h>
#include <alloc/sd_alloc.h>
// configuration for SD
const int chipSelect = 9;
const uint32_t poolSize = 1024l * 32l; // the size of the virtual memory pool (in bytes)
const int spiSpeed = SPI_FULL_SPEED;
// pull in complete virtmem namespace
using namespace virtmem;
// struct containing the properties used to define the memory pages of an allocator.
// Note that all variables should be static and have a large enough (integer) type to contain the
// numeric value. By default every allocator uses the values defined from DefaultAllocProperties,
// defined in config.h.
struct AllocProperties
static const uint8_t smallPageCount = 4, smallPageSize = 64;
static const uint8_t mediumPageCount = 4, mediumPageSize = 128;
static const uint8_t bigPageCount = 4;
static const uint16_t bigPageSize = 512; // note: uint16_t to contain larger numeric value
typedef SDVAllocP<AllocProperties> Alloc; // shortcut
SdFat sd;
Alloc valloc(poolSize);
// rest is more or less the same as sd_simple example
// ...
void setup()
// uncomment if using the ethernet shield
// pinMode(10, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
while (!Serial)
; // wait for serial to come up
// initialize SdFat library: this should be done before starting the allocator!
if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, spiSpeed))
delay(3000); // add some delay so the user can connect with a serial terminal
void loop()
// allocate some integer on virtual memory
VPtr<int, Alloc> vpi = valloc.alloc<int>();
*vpi = 42; // assign some value, just like a regular pointer!
Serial.print("*vpi = "); Serial.println(*vpi);; // And free the virtual memory
delay(1000); // keep doing this with 1 second pauses inbetween...