virtual memory library for Arduino

This is a simple example sketch showing how to use the serial allocator.

* Minimal example showing how to use the serial virtual memory allocator
* (SerialVAlloc/SerialVAllocP). This allocator uses RAM from an external device
* connected through serial.
* The only requirement is that a so called 'RAM host' (for instance a PC) is
* connected via the default serial port (Serial). The RAM host should run the
* 'virtmem/extras/' Python script.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <virtmem.h>
const uint32_t poolSize = 1024l * 32l; // the size of the virtual memory pool (in bytes)
// pull in complete virtmem namespace
using namespace virtmem;
SerialVAlloc valloc(poolSize); // default settings: use Serial with 115200 baudrate
// Example for using Serial1 with 9600 baudrate
//SerialVAllocP<typeof(Serial1)> valloc(poolSize, 9600, Serial1);
void setup()
while (!Serial)
; // wait for serial to come up
void loop()
// allocate some integer on virtual memory
VPtr<int, SerialVAlloc> vpi = valloc.alloc<int>();
*vpi = 42; // assign some value, just like a regular pointer!
Serial.print("*vpi = "); Serial.println(*vpi);; // And free the virtual memory
delay(1000); // keep doing this with 1 second pauses inbetween...